Extraction Scale
Extraction Scale
  • Extraction Scale
    Extraction Scale
it is a necessity to make continious capacity and exraction rates controlling in flour milis. Therefore, nowadays the exraction rate scales take an important place in this field and most of the flour milis began using these scales. Possible to reach to all informations, if required. the following rate of the wheat and according to this, the rate of ali the products can be seen in the screen as %. All the data can be read as kgs/hour, tons/day or %.
A B D E F G H J (lt) (M3/min) (kg) WHEAT FLOUR BRAN
STR 50 2289 680 707 700 305 500 560 200 120 50 5-6 350 8-10 4-6 3-4
STR 90 2400 850 718 700 400 505 560 200 120 90 450 12-15 8-10 5-7
STR 220 3257 1040 993 920 390 955 1100 300 150 220 525 25-30 15-20 10-15
STR 320 4318 1370 1565 1150 495 1110 1200 400 210 320 675 80-100 40-50 20-25